7 Tips to Make Your Apartment Move Go Smoothly

Anticipating a move can be an exciting time. A new location, a new apartment; but it can also seem overwhelming. Just the thought of the work that moving entails can be flat out nerve-racking. By preparing a strategy and applying smart organization skills, you can make your transition an easier one.

Here are seven tips from apartment movers to smoothly usher you out from your old apartment and into your new one:

1. Keep a Moving Folder

Create a moving folder 2-3 months before moving. Examples of what to keep in it:

  • A list of what to pack
  • Errands that need to be completed before moving day
  • Receipts from moving expenses
  • Questions about your new apartment
  • Items you may need for your new apartment

This folder will be your “brain” and will keep you on track and organized during the moving process.

2. Declutter

As you start packing, sort through clothes and other items you don’t wear or use. If you haven’t used it in the last year, you probably won’t use it in the future. You can donate items to charity or make a few bucks by selling them. Decluttering will also lighten your moving load. Check with your mover to see if they can drop off your load at your charity of choice for you. Many NYC moving companies offer donation drop-offs as a service for clients in the city.

3. Essentials Box

Pack a separate box with items you use daily. Include enough things to get you by for a few days until you do the serious unpacking.

Include items such as:

  • Toiletries
  • Snack and quick foods
  • Shower Curtain
  • Coffee Pot
  • A few outfits

4. Label Boxes

You can color code boxes by room, use a numbering system, or write the name of the room on each box. This way, you and your moving help will know exactly where to place the boxes, and it takes the guesswork out of finding items for that room.

5. Transfer Utilities

There’s more to moving than just packing. Be sure your accounts are transferred about one week before moving day. Besides utilities, you’ll want to transfer renter’s insurance if you have it. Forward your mail with the local Postal Service to ensure these important bills and other mail don’t get lost.

6. Clean

If your apartment complex does not have their cleaning service, you’ll want to be sure you clean your vacated apartment top to bottom. If you don’t have time, hire a professional to get the job done.

It’s easiest to do this after you have already moved. That way, boxes, and furniture aren’t in the way, and you can do a more thorough job. Leaving your apartment in a stellar condition not only ensures a refund of your deposit but encourages your property owner to provide a good reference for being a tidy tenant.

7. Take Pictures of Both Apartments

Before turning the key to the old and signing a lease with the new, take pictures of every room in both apartments. Picture evidence protects you from being charged for damages after moving and prevents you from the responsibility of any pre-existing damages in your new apartment.

Implementing these tips can ease the physical and mental stress of moving. Once you’re settled and relaxing in your new apartment, you’ll see it was all worth it.


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